Tag: data

Removing Obscenities from Your Content
With Sitefinity 10.1 you have the option to sanitize your content easily and remove any obscene words.
From Data to Insight to Outcomes with Cognitive Predictive Maintenance
Don’t drown in a flood of digital data—operationalize your insights with cognitive predictive maintenance and reap a massive competitive advantage for higher machine uptime and efficiency.
Faster Data Replication: Change Data Capture & OpenEdge Pro2
Thanks to the new OpenEdge Change Data Capture feature, OpenEdge Pro2 can be managed more easily and performs much faster.
Digital Transformation: 3 Steps to Overcoming the Chaos (for Web Marketers)
The scope of digital marketing has been evolving rapidly, and for anyone who is in a full-time digital marketing position, the constant introduction of new technologies, tools and best practices could easily feel overwhelming.
Marketing Lessons from the Appalachian Trail
Don’t Leap to Conclusions from Your Data When I hike alone, I carry a satellite beacon as well as my cell phone in case of emergency. It also lets friends and family follow my progress via social media. The image below is part of a tracking report from my hike ...
Peter Kimpton September 08, 2016

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