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Sobre NetOwl

Localizações: United States

NetOwl is a suite of Text and Identity Analytics products to analyze Big Data using AI and Machine Learning based technologies. NetOwl analyzes Big Data in the form of text data - news, social media, email, web, and any other text document that organizations would like to exploit - as well as structured entity data about people, organizations, places, and things.

NetOwls text analytics products are used in a wide range of applications including social media analysis, intelligence analysis, and enterprise search and content management. NetOwls identity analytics products are deployed in various risk management solutions such as anti-money laundering (AML), customer due diligence (KYC and PEP), border security, and fraud detection.

NetOwl has a long history of empowering some of the most demanding customers who have mission-critical requirements to analyze an extremely large volume of data in a variety of forms and languages. Their team of engineers and researchers continues to expand NetOwl's capabilities to keep pace with evolving information needs.

Fornecido por NetOwl

Em destaque

Produtos em destaque
  • MarkLogic
Setores de atividade
  • All Industries


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