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NetOwl について

対象地域: United States

NetOwl is a suite of Text and Identity Analytics products to analyze Big Data using AI and Machine Learning based technologies. NetOwl analyzes Big Data in the form of text data - news, social media, email, web, and any other text document that organizations would like to exploit - as well as structured entity data about people, organizations, places, and things.

NetOwls text analytics products are used in a wide range of applications including social media analysis, intelligence analysis, and enterprise search and content management. NetOwls identity analytics products are deployed in various risk management solutions such as anti-money laundering (AML), customer due diligence (KYC and PEP), border security, and fraud detection.

NetOwl has a long history of empowering some of the most demanding customers who have mission-critical requirements to analyze an extremely large volume of data in a variety of forms and languages. Their team of engineers and researchers continues to expand NetOwl's capabilities to keep pace with evolving information needs.

NetOwl から提供された情報


  • MarkLogic
  • All Industries


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