Tag: soa

I Don't Know Jack...

But, he's said something nice about Progress Actional. He's sharing his perspective on use of intermediaries and monitoring services. He's got a good perspective, because...

david bressler September 24, 2008
Question: How Do You Manage Your Policies?

Answer: Hopefully better than the NYC Department of Traffic.

Before you laugh at them, think very carefully about your model of SOA Governance.

Gartner analyst Frank Kenny uses a slide that shows SOA Governance containing...

david bressler September 22, 2008
NGOSS Contracts Gain Momentum

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job at Progress is my daily contact with standards organizations like the TM Forum and OASIS. I work with many other industry-supported contributors...

John Wilmes September 12, 2008
SOA Management. Do you really need it?
What the cost is for not having it. Did you forget to think about SOA management when you developed your SOA infrastructure deployment plan? If you haven't already, listen to this podcast presented by Dan Foody, VP of Products for Actional at Progress Software, and hear an example of a...
The Progress Team September 12, 2008
The Problem with SOA is Architecture

As I read David Linthicum's post on SOA vendors focus too much on integration... and not enough on architecture, this really clarified one of the messes we've gotten into with SOA.  The problem is "architecture." ...

dan foody September 12, 2008

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