Tag: RPM

End to end visibility - coming to a supply chain near you
I have been fortunate to participate in the 2011 Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference in London, an assembly of leading supply chain practitioners where we spend 3 days listening to latest thinking for...
Why and How Responsive Process Management Differs and Augments Business Process Management
Next month I’ll be speaking at the Progress Revolution Conference in Boston.  As I prepare for my talk and review presentations by our customers I’m struck and pleased by just how much companies have improved their bottom line through Business Process Management (BPM).  It’s incredible to see the...
Can CSP really turn to CEM to help reduce churn?
With the market for cellular customers now saturated across most of the developed world, retaining existing customers has become a major priority for mobile operators. This is because it is demonstrably more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to attempt to win new ones from their...
From location based to situation based services: What are the key differentiators for the mobile operator?
Location-based services (LBS) have found their way to the heart of the mobile value proposition. According to the analyst firm Forrester, 30 per cent of European online consumers with mobile phones are interested in using...
Dr. Ketabchi Reveals Secret Sauce of BPM
Are you a business or IT person who wants to... Reduce costs? Improve quality? Manage exceptions? Increase revenue? Most likely, it's all of the above. Dr. M.A. Ketabchi, Chief Strategist at Progress Software, presented at the Gartner BPM Summit in March on how you can...
Pam Gazley May 19, 2011

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