Tag: DataDirect

The 7 Signs of a Data Meltdown
Exhausted by the prospect of accessing and correlating all the data coming at you from disparate systems? Feeling like you can’t find the right focus in your marketing campaigns? You are not alone. These symptoms plague the thousands of marketing operations professionals at work all over the world...
Constructing a More Efficient Way to Share Application Data
When you look at a skyscraper, what do you see? A looming tower made of steel and glass? But what about what you don’t see? Think about all of the considerations that need to be made before a skyscraper can come to fruition: the materials required to build it, the hours put into construction and the...
Learn How to Conquer Spreadsheet Hell at SiriusDecisions Summit | #SDSummit
Spring is (finally) upon us! After a long and snowy winter, the DataDirect team is excited to announce we’re heading down to sunny Florida next week for...
The 2014 Developer’s Choice Awards Results are in!
Big Data is an ever-present headline in today’s news, and businesses will continue to generate even more data. This may seem like business as usual, but it’s more than just a minor annoyance for IT. The database market seems to always be in flux, and though the old guard of relational databases...
Ride the Big Data Wave
Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear, starry night? Looking at all those specs of light billions of light years away? There are actually more existing pieces of digital information than stars in the universe. The statistics on big data and its rapid accumulation are staggering (see...

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