Greetings from Raleigh on January 26, 2009
I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is David Olson. Long time Progress person and I tend to float between technical and business roles in the company. Recently crossed over into the Apama world to focus on opportunities other than Capital...
Chapter 2 of The Semantic Dialogues, The Data Architecture Dialogues, is available now. "With too many different data stores, too much bad data, too many incompatible...
Burton group's Anne Thomas wrote an obituary for SOA, and she writes: "SOA met its demise on January 1, 2009, when it was wiped out by the catastrophic impact of the economic...
What exactly is cloud computing? Lately, this is one of the most often repeated question in any discussion about the Cloud. And the answer depends on who you ask! (Personally, I think that if there are not at least three different popular definitions of a new technology, then the technology is...
Actually, touching would be great, but be warned... it costs extra! Did I ever tell you about that time in South Africa where I presented at a conference during one of their open sessions? Afterward, a guy actually came up and hugged me for my performance. True, I swear.
Come see yours truly at...
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