Lots of articles on the web compare using icon fonts to using SVGs. Published on respected sites such as CSS-Tricks and Sitepoint, some articles advocate against Icon fonts while some are in favor of them. It’s a heated debate, but the “modern” opinion seems to be that using ...
Mobile devices have redefined us: how we search, learn and buy. Through these small devices, we are easily connected to the world, our favorite brands and the oddest facts—if we so choose to google them—wherever we go. In fact, Google has labeled these instances of connection “micro-moments.” According to Google...
We design, build and operate digital services across the touch-point spectrum. From corporate websites and e-commerce platforms to mobile native apps and digital campaigns. We must support digital transformation that delivers great user experience. In order to deliver the ultimate digital experience that transforms our perceptions, we should have a ...
You know it when you see it, don’t you? Good content. It grabs your attention, and keeps it. It educates with a minimal time investment, then sends you on your way feeling better for having engaged. It may even motivate you to engage again. So how do you create it? ...
The first four articles in this series focused on personalizing at the beginning of a visitor’s journey. They explored how to provide an engaging experience which would result in them taking the next step with you, moving them further down the funnel to become a customer. The next two installments ...