Tag: blogs

Sitefinity Insight Persona Templates and Action Plan
Marketing in the digital realm is about knowing what your potential customers are looking for and anticipating what will appeal to them. That’s why all digital marketing strategies begin with Buyer Personas, those fictional representatives of your ideal customers we all execute so much research to create. And we execute that research because we know the more insight we have into our potential customers, the more effective our marketing strategies will be.
Working with Sitefinity MVC (Feather) Source Code
All of Sitefinity’s MVC widgets, packages and functionality are open source and can be found under the codename “Project Feather” or “Feather” framework.
The Often Overlooked Marketing Asset: Your Employees (Part 2)
Armed with a succinct mission statement, useful branded merchandise and social media skills, your employees can help promote your brand and improve your public persona.
3 Key Ingredients for a Successful Social Media Strategy
Three key takeaways to improve your social media strategy that apply to anyone, selling any product, at any level of social media marketing.
Bianca Lynch November 30, 2016
12 Tips to Build an Engaging B2B Homepage
An average visitor takes only a couple of seconds to decide whether to stay on a website. An organized, usable and reasonable website can add trustworthiness and competence to your company's reputation. Here are 12 tips you can take to build a high-performing homepage.

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