Michael O'Dwyer

Michael O'Dwyer

An Irishman based in Hong Kong, Michael O’Dwyer is a business & technology journalist, independent consultant and writer who specializes in writing for enterprise, small business and IT audiences. With 20+ years of experience in everything from IT and electronic component-level failure analysis to process improvement and supply chains (and an in-depth knowledge of Klingon,) Michael is a sought-after writer whose quality sources, deep research and quirky sense of humor ensures he’s welcome in high-profile publications such as The Street and Fortune 100 IT portals.


物聯網基礎概念 – 物聯網裝置驗證說明
在智能手機上花費超過1000美元對我們很多人來說似乎是荒謬的,但是在 iPhone X 和同類手機的大量發佈之後,這個前景變得非常真實。
區塊鏈技術 (Blockchain) 將如何改變審計世界?
區塊鍊(Blockchain)是一種顛覆性技術,其含義尚未完全開發和了解,我們將在以下文章將會談及「區塊鏈(Blockchain) 如何改變審計世界」。
未來工作上如何應用虛擬現實 (Virtual Reality)
Rf   現時許多人並不關心虛擬現實技術(VR)的未來,大多數人仍傾向並且更喜歡在現實世界中工作。因為大部份與工作相關的事情未能在虛擬環境中實踐及解決問題,而且當網絡故障戴上虛擬現實眼鏡,這個時候應該只會被困惑的同事嘲笑。如果在你的傳統工作場所中VR是可行的,那麼就需要對環境進行精確的模擬。而你需要的是錢。
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