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Sobre Harel Mallac Technologies Ltd

Localizações: Burundi, Mauritius e Rwanda

Harel Mallac Technologies is a leading provider of technology solutions in the Indian Ocean region and on the African continent. Headquartered in Mauritius, Harel Mallac Technologies has developed a strong network of ICT Specialists with nodes across the African continent. Through this network, Harel Mallac Technologies provides services to enable ICT in medium & large organizations for them to grow and improve their operations. By doing so it has a positive impact on quality of life in the geographies in which it establishes itself.

Harel Mallac Technologies is a subsidiary of Harel Mallac Group with a track record that spans more than 30 years of riding the cusp of innovation and expertise through a strategic consolidation of key business units namely Harel Mallac Technologies, Mauritius Computing Services, InfoSystems Business Technologies (IBT) in Madagascar and Orinux in Rwanda & Burundi. Harel Mallac Technologies is the leading player in different key technology segments regionally and on the African continent.

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Credenciamentos de produtos

Fornecido por Harel Mallac Technologies Ltd

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Produtos em destaque
  • Kemp LoadMaster
  • Flowmon
Setores de atividade
  • Retail Trade
  • Software
  • Telecommunications

Harel Mallac Technologies Ltd

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