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Acerca de O2 Czech Republic a.s.

Ubicaciones: Czech Republic

O2 is the largest operator in the Czech market. It provides voice, internet, and data services to customers ranging from households to small and medium-sized companies to large corporations. O2 always offers the latest technology. It is currently building a fifth-generation (5G) network, which it was the first to launch in a real environment.

O2 is ready to provide services based on Flowmon technologies to customers not only in its data centers or over its own connectivity. The offered services are modular and offer a wide range of solutions. .

O2 je největším operátorem na českém trhu. Hlasové, internetové a datové služby poskytuje zákazníkům od domácností přes malé a střední firmy až po velké korporace. O2 vždy nabízí ty nejmodernější technologie. V současnosti buduje síť páté generace (5G), kterou jako první spustilo v reálném prostředí.

Služby postavené na technologiích Flowmon je O2 připravené poskytovat zákazníkům nejen ve svých datových centrech nebo nad vlastní konektivitou. Nabízené služby jsou modulární a nabízí široké možnosti výběru řešení.

Verificado por Progress

Flowmon Acreditaciones

2 Sales Professionals

1 Sales Engineers

Proporcionado por O2 Czech Republic a.s.


  • Flowmon
  • All Industries

Proyectos destacados de O2 Czech Republic a.s.

Legal & General America Case Study

How OZP identified bottlenecks and accelerate response time by tens of percent

OZP is a health insurance company for bank, insurance company and civil engineering employees. OZP is the third largest employee insurance company in the Czech Republic with branch offices in Prague and other twenty cities. OZP offers its customers a comfortable access to all services and information through VITAKARTA ONLINE electronic portal and mVITAKARTA application for smartphones. In addition, they systematically approach public awareness and education with campaigns e.g. “How much does your health cost”.

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O2 Czech Republic a.s.

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