With the introduction of the Office Open XML in Microsoft Office 2007 and OpenDocument Format used by OpenOffice applications, your office documents like spreadsheets and word processing documents, become consumable with XQuery.
Technically these formats are basically a bunch of XML files, packaged in a ZIP file. Here is for example an Office Open XML .docx file opened with winzip,[cc lang="xquery"]doc('jar:file:///C:/example.docx!/word/document.xml')[/cc]
Let’s take a concrete example, and extract all the comments from John, ordered by date. The Office Open XML format stores the comments in the comments.xml document(what else would you have expected?). [cc lang="xquery"]declare namespace w = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"; { for $comment in doc('jar:file:///C:/example.docx!/word/comments.xml')/*/w:comment where $comment/@w:author = 'John' order by xs:dateTime($comment/@w:date) return {$comment//text()} }[/cc]Well, I guess you get the idea...
It’s not only about simply querying your office documents. Using the out-of–the-box DataDirect XQuery and XML Converters features, a whole new range of capabilities and use cases become available. For example, extract data out of 'document forms' and save it in your database. Or extract and aggregate data out of a spreadsheet to generate EDI messages. We have shown how to query your the OpenDocument Format and Office Open XML documents. In a future post, we’ll show how the "older" office formats can be queried using a Custom URI Resolver.Subscribe to get all the news, info and tutorials you need to build better business apps and sites