Tag: XML

Yes! You can finally query your office documents!

When I was working on an XML database in the late nineties, I remember hearing a lot of noise about the fact that — finally! — XML would allow for real reuse and collaboration when working with applications like word processors and spreadsheet editors. Copy like "Data is finally disjoint from format;...
Minollo October 22, 2007
Why You Should Convert between EDI and XML
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) pre-dates XML by several years; people started using the term EDI to describe the transfer of data, typically across multiple companies, often using VANs (Value Added Networks) or the Internet. Many standards bodies have been creating EDI standards in the past...
Minollo October 16, 2007
SOA Governance: Carrot or stick?

"Back when I was on the Architecture Committee, the developers never listened to me.  But, now that I'm Enterprise Architect, I'll show them.  I'll put in so many governance policies that they won't know what hit them.  And there's nothing they can do about it -...

dan foody October 09, 2007
Microsoft's OpenXML a reality?
Various sources are reporting that Microsoft may finally be serious about throwing the full weight of their considerable resources behind OpenXML. I would caution however that opening bubbly might be a touch premature as we still have a long wait until the specifications are deemed complete. As...
Jonathan Bruce December 05, 2005
Web 2.0 meets XQuery
ZDNet reports this morning that the VC community is actively funding startups that are focused on building out innovative Web 2.0 applications to ready for market place that seems to have...
Jonathan Bruce November 30, 2005

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