Tag: whitepaper

Progress defines best practices for PaaS
Platform-as-a- Service (PaaS) is gaining widespread acceptance as a way to deploy packaged software and build new applications without the overhead of a development environment. While enterprise adoption of PaaS is growing, many of the advantages and best practices used to achieve success with PaaS...
The App Dev Team December 23, 2013
The Best of Progress 2010 Resources

I admit it... I'm not a big fan new years. Not only does it remind me that I have two to three months of dark days and blistering cold to contend with (I'm a New Englander) but I'm always a little apprehensive about what the new year will bring. One of the things I do like are all the...

Pam Gazley December 22, 2010
BPM in Financial Services

A few weeks back we attended the SIFMA Financial Services Technology Expo in New York City. Though I wasn’t able to attend, the rumors in the hallways are that it was a very successful, and fun, event. Bummed I missed...

BPM Gives the Business a Technical Role in Process Improvement

Do you think that's a good thing?

I’m trying to get up to speed on Business Process Management (BPM) - in case you missed it, Progress...

Pam Gazley February 23, 2010

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