Tag: web service management

Patently Confusing!

Well, if you track our "space," you'd have seen that Forum has been awarded a patent on XML security appliances. Apparently, it's patent number 7,516,333.

As it turns out, Actional has a patent in...

Boy, Did This Guy Understand Actional!

I love talking to people who get it.

I was talking with a guy from Cornell today about AppZero's server virtualization technology and he mentioned that they have a consultant talking to them about ITIL, and the challenge that all the...

david bressler April 01, 2009
SOA Governance in SMEs == Cart Before the Horses

I have always held that SOA governance is premature yet. While we are struggling to just get SOA adoption in the right spirit, governance is the least of our problems. If we cannot identify a mechanism to first re-engineer "service orientation" into IT solutions and have the IT teams in an...

Ramesh Loganathan March 30, 2009
Actional Business Process Visibility (Definition)

I haven't been writing much (here) lately but, well, I've been thinking of writing.

The process is weird. Topics come into my head often enough but I talk myself out of sharing. I'm not sure how useful they are or how biased I'd sound.

I'm working on the outline...

david bressler March 26, 2009
This Should Make It Obvious to Anyone

Looking at things from the perspective of how software is evaluated and brought into the enterprise, it's no wonder cloud computing is dramatically changing the landscape. Combine that with the trend of software vendors looking to compliance to shore up revenues, and customers pushing back to...

david bressler March 04, 2009

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