As you look for ways to create a better experience for your customers online, it’s important to think about what they need and where they should be when they get it.
All personalization strategies are alike when they succeed. The ones that fail, fail their own way. In this blog post we look at one thing all successful personalization strategies have in common. That's right, a plan.
Sitefinity 12.2 supports webhooks that trigger on specific events. In the long run, this means various integrations with microservices outside of Sitefinity for separation-of-concerns-driven scalability and modularity.
Sitefinity CMS is a stable, powerful, and easy to use CMS. It just works! For you, the developer, this may be one of the reasons why you might have never considered upgrading. The most recent releases pack multiple enhancements that might tip the scales.
The first time you try to access a newly created Sitefinity site, you’ll be greeted by a screen that invites you to embark on a new journey. Learn how to get started with your first pages.