Tag: supply chain

Merry Christmas...unless Santa ordered your gifts from an online retailer
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become just as much a part of the Christmas holidays as stockings, midnight mass, a large man with a white beard in a red suit, candycanes and packed malls. North American retailers look to this season as their...well...Christmas. A time when they will push their...
The top 10...or make that the top 12 thoughts for supply chain in 2012
Happy Holidays to all! I always enjoyed reading predictions for industries and technologies this time of the year, some times it is even more entertaining to read them years later when we can gasp in awe at our predictions or wonder what were we thinking...so here are some predictions for the supply...
Supply Chain Management in 140 Characters (or less)
A few weeks ago, I took part in a lively Twitter Q&A with our official Twitter feed, @ProgressSW. If you missed out on the real-time action, you can check out the discussion below. Looking forward to doing more of these and, as always, I welcome your thoughts on #scm topics, questions and issues...
Merry Christmas! Wait...we need to enjoy Turkey day first - Christmas Creep and the supply chain
For those of us in the United States, we have already been bombarded with holiday promotions and I am not speaking of the Thanksgiving celebration but the Christmas one. Many have deemed this "Christmas creep." (yes it has a...
Supply Chain planning is dead...long live planning!
I was just at the annual North American CSCMP event in Philadelphia. I had the pleasure of spending time with some leading supply chain influencers and friends such as: @bob_ferrari, @lcecere, @arnoldmarkwells, @jeffashcroft to name a...

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