Tag: SQL

Developing Event Processing Applications

Listen to this podcast to hear Chris Martins and Giles Nelson discuss development of...

Oracle support for the ADO.NET Entity Framework
Announcing a significant update to our Oracle provider from Connect for ADO.NET! We have enabled the use of the Microsoft® Entity Framework with Oracle data sources, supporting a wide range of Oracle...
Jonathan Bruce April 30, 2009
Best Practices for zIIP Exploitation includes a Single Unified Architecture for Mainframe Integration
In this podcast, Gregg discusses architectural considerations for zIIP exploitation. The podcast runs for 2:31. To listen to the podcast, please click on the following link:...
Don’t Overlook the Importance of Middleware to Database Application Performance
In this podcast Rob Steward explains why architects, designers, programmers, or DBAs have overlooked the middleware to improve database performance, and why he wrote The Data Access Handbook to help educate the community on the middleware’s importance. The podcast runs for 2:42. To listen to the...
Rob Steward April 14, 2009
The demise LINQ to SQL? Not quite...
Some might rightly consider this old news, however the LINQ to SQL death notices were brought back to the headlines by Redmond Developer News. See the link below for the full...
Jonathan Bruce December 22, 2008

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