Tag: Software-as-a Service

Cloud Computing... It Depends on Who You Ask

What exactly is cloud computing? Lately, this is one of the most often repeated question in any discussion about the Cloud. And the answer depends on who you ask! (Personally, I think that if there are not at least three different popular definitions of a new technology, then the technology is...

Ramesh Loganathan January 16, 2009
All Hail the SaaS Revolution!

Been thinking a lot about Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS) this week, and as it turns out, so have a few...

david bressler August 14, 2008
A Problem Common to SaaS and SOA

I read a blog posting from the other day by a frustrated software as a service (SaaS) vendor venting that:

  • They need rapid release cycles... but,
  • They can't find all issues in their pre-production...
dan foody April 15, 2008
Polymorphic SOA

There's lots of industry noise about Service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the expected benefits, but in many cases SOA is an implementation of procedural programming that may be implemented in Object Oriented (OO) technologies such as Java or .NET. That said, I cannot really see anything OO in a...

David Millman March 17, 2008
Selling Oriented Architecture
I participated in a SOA roundtable the other week. End-user organisations were present – in banking, automotive, logistics and other sectors. It was chaired by Butler Group, the analysts. The topic of the roundtable was how SOA technology and principles were being adopted in end-user organisations....
Giles Nelson October 18, 2007

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