Tag: shadow IT

Business Software for Citizen Developers: Beyond Tools
Technology has changed our lives forever. That goes without saying, right? 90% of the US population owns a cell phone (Source: Pew Research Internet Project Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, January 2014)....
Mark Troester June 27, 2014
Tame Shadow IT with Business Apps
An analyst at the Enderle Group says that many business executives are struggling with a battle between their business units and enterprise IT. IT sees cloud as a risk, while business users see the cloud as the fastest, most inexpensive way to get their jobs done.
Risk Free With Shadow
In this podcast, Gregg Willhoit explains how Progress DataDirect customers take advantage of moving workloads beyond DB2 to the zIIP specialty engine, and do so risk free and worry free using DataDirect Shadow. Gregg's podcast runs for 5:22: ...
Gregg Willhoit January 18, 2010
CMG Conference: Keep It Legal
In this podcast, Gregg reflects on his presentation ‘Keeping it Legal, Techniques for Maximizing TCO with the zIIP’ at the CMG Technical Conference in Dallas. Gregg shares that the CMG audience supported IBM’s position and approved zIIP offload. Gregg continues that the participating audience hoped...
Gregg Willhoit January 05, 2010
Computer Measurement Group (CMG) Presentation: Exploitation of IBM Specialty Engines
I’m excited to have the opportunity to speak at the Computer Measurement Group (CMG) conference in Dallas (Dec. 6 - 11). I’ll be focusing on a topic we address here on Data...
Gregg Willhoit December 07, 2009

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