Tag: service oriented architecture

The Data Architecture Dialogues - Chapter 2 of The Semantic Dialogues

Chapter 2 of The Semantic Dialogues, The Data Architecture Dialogues, is available now. "With too many different data stores, too much bad data, too many incompatible...

SOA - Wanted! Dead or Alive

Burton group's Anne Thomas wrote an obituary  for SOA, and she writes: "SOA met its demise on January 1, 2009, when it was wiped out by the catastrophic impact of the economic...

Ramesh Loganathan January 22, 2009
Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

There was a time when I was diving intensively and I'd call my boss at the end of vacation to let him know I was still alive and would be back in the office as planned. I even left my passwords and his information with my brother so my bro could send him my laptop if a fatal event occurred. Have...

david bressler January 09, 2009
The problem with good governance

I saw an interesting story in the news two days ago.  It's about a company that has received multiple "good governance" awards.  Well, it turns out that their "good governance" has led to the chairman having to admit that their finances were falsified.  Know...

dan foody January 08, 2009
The Semantic Dialogues Have Begun!

Are you thinking about OSS/BSS Integration?

The Semantic Dialogues tells the story of how National Networks, a fictional telecommunications service provider, pursued and...

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