Tag: serverless

What is a Serverless Backend?
There’s a new approach that’s eliminating previously onerous development tasks—a serverless backend (also known as BaaS and FaaS).
Mark Troester May 24, 2018
Our App-Free Future: Takeaways from the Gartner Summit
Fundamental market shifts are coming, including a move beyond what we call mobility today. Read our takeaways on these insights from the recent Gartner Summit.
How Jefferson Health Delivers Digital Innovation
Roadblocks to productivity that slow down employees and irritate customers are easier to overcome when you have the right tools in place for fast innovation.
Jacqueline Neves January 23, 2018
A Generational Shift to Simplify Infrastructure in App Dev
In the seemingly endless effort to mask infrastructure complexity for your development process, new cloud-native architecture delivers unprecedented simplicity.
Progress Kinvey Expands Connectivity by Integrating with DataDirect
Kinvey plus DataDirect gives your applications instant access to numerous data sources and systems.

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