Tag: security

Customer and Partner Trends in Application Development
I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately, visiting with hundreds of OpenEdge customers and partners, presenting the latest OpenEdge enhancements and gathering their feedback on the current “state of the application development” world. And along the way I’ve learned a few things that I think are worth...
Consulting our crystal ball: IT Predictions for 2012
With the New Year just around the corner, many are busy thinking up unattainable diet and fitness resolutions, but we here at Progress have instead spent our time collaborating on more realistic forecasts for the coming year. The team here at Progress put our heads together to produce our top...
When it comes to Integration, Contracts Make all the Difference.

It may seem odd to talk about contracts and SOA in the same sentence, but without them experienced enterprise architects and integration developers understand the negative consequences that will ripple through the business.

A service-oriented architecture (SOA) requires establishing...

Jonathan Daly November 18, 2010
Security & Single Sign-on – You Can Have Both!
Security is one of those critical functions that as developers and programmers, we just hope will seamlessly work in the background. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. I was talking to...
Jesse Davis September 13, 2010

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