In this two-part podcast Rob Steward explains the impact of benchmarks on application performance, and he offers some tips on what to look for when developing them.
Part 1, which runs 5:32, focuses on the importance of emulating the number of users when developing benchmarks. Part 2 provides tips...
I enjoy watching the show MythBusters because I love the concept of testing out whether a belief that people collectively accept as fact holds up under scientific scrutiny. After watching the show, I find myself thinking more critically about whether the...
In this podcast, Gregg discusses architectural considerations for zIIP exploitation. The podcast runs for 2:31.
To listen to the podcast, please click on the following link:...
In this podcast Rob Steward explains who The Data Access Handbook was written for, and what benefits they will get out of its content.The podcast runs for 3:00.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the following link:...
In this podcast, Rob Steward explains what the future holds for database connectivity. The podcast runs for 3:51.
To listen to the podcast, please click on the following link: