Tag: ISV

Dear ISV
Is your department a place where requests for new applications go and never return? Don’t be an App Hole. Watch this animated video to learn how an ISV downloaded Progress Pacific and saw their organization’s app gaps diminish...
The Progress Team March 24, 2014
Cloud-based world looks different, promising for ISVs
If you're an independent software vendor, chances are this is a transitional time. The cloud has arrived on the scene, carrying a mix of promise and uncertainty. How will the technology affect the way you reach out to clients? How will you convince the customer base to come along? How will the new...
Michelle Tackabery February 10, 2014
Leveling the playing field
I recently had the opportunity to visit the AWS Summit event in Berlin, Germany. Apart from being completely sold out, the one thing that immediately struck me was the sheer number of developers attending. Several of the “testimonials” at the event were small start-ups who had an idea (or a...
Hybrid Data Pipeline: A Product Manager’s Universal Remote Control
As a product manager, what would constitute your “dream solution”? If you’re like me, you’re looking for something that, quite simply, makes your life easier. Something that streamlines processes, reduces admin, reduces costs and actually delivers measurable value and high level results. Enter our...
The Progress Team September 16, 2013
Euro-Pro takes it’s business to the next level with SaaS
Gartner has predicted that worldwide SaaS revenue will reach $22.1 billion in 2015, which is not a surprise when you consider that SaaS-based apps have enabled companies to grow more quickly and adapt to business...

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