Tag: exchange

Speak Up! Your Voice in Social Media
Have you ever listened back to your voice on a recording?  How about watched a video of yourself delivering a presentation?  It can be an uncomfortable experience, but it's also a great way for us to learn how we seem and sound to other people. Whether it's in person, on the phone or in the social...
Social Media in 2014
It was to a room full of partner marketing experts at Progress Exchange 2013 ( #PRGS13) that Todd Van Hoosear, VP Public Relations and Stakeholder Engagement at Hart-Boillot, and...
Making a Stand for Brand
I've recently completed something that has been a long-held professional dream for me: leading Progress through an exercise to re-communicate its brand. You may have picked up on a few hints that something like this was about to happen from my previous blog posts on creating emotional connections...
What We Are Learning About Small and Medium Enterprises – They Spark Growth
We recently got together with IDG Research to take a look at how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), companies with 1-500 employees, are fueling the economy both here in the US and in Europe. We wanted to understand more broadly how they are growing and...
A Disruptive Influence
Well, what a conference Progress Exchange 2013 turned out to be!  All the months of preparation and hard work put in by the team paid off in what was our most well attended and high-profile event to date.  From the distances that people travelled to attend, to our hashtag...

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