Tag: event processing

How to Build an Algorithm

Colleague Dan Hubscher, who is also a frequent contributor to this blog, can be found illustrating some of the capabilities of the Apama development environment's Apama Event Modeler in this...

Exploration of Apama 4.2 Feature Set Podcast

Louis Lovas, Chief Architect of Progress Apama, discusses aspects of the Apama 4.2 release that focus on...

Putting the Smart in Smart Grid

Listen to learn about the critical role of Event Processing in reshaping the delivery of energy and services to your customers....

In defence of high frequency trading

The high frequency trading (HFT) debate seems to have entered a new and worrying phase in the UK. On Tuesday this week in an interview with the BBC, Lord Myners, the UK’s financial services minister, warned that high frequency trading had “gone too far” and that share ownership had “now lost its...

Apama 4.2 Deeper Exploration: Enhanced Support for Parallelism

In this podcast Louis Lovas, Apama Architect, discusses some of the details of the enhanced parallelism that is now available in Progress Apama...

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