Tag: esb

The Fat Double-Headed Arrow

We were excited to see Philip Howard's piece on the importance of a common data model. It was heartening to read our convictions about IT architecture espoused by someone with no overt commercial...

Jody Hunt March 04, 2008
Distributed SOA

Last week I attended the Forrester Enterprise Architect forum and heard a pretty consistent cry from people walking around and stopping at the booth; "How do I implement SOA in a distributed...

David Millman February 13, 2008
We're Running Out of Words II

It's interesting when you have a shared blog... sometimes coordinating posts with others so there is no talking over each other leads to no one posting. It's especially hard for me, as I'm a "mood poster" - meaning, I post when I'm in the mood. Fortunately, I'm usually in the mood to talk...

david bressler January 30, 2008
Multiple ESBs: SOA Reality in a Federated Environment

There has already been some hype about the audio interview between Hub Vandervoort, CTO, Progress Software, and an industry expert from Gartner, but in case you haven't listened,...

The Progress Team January 25, 2008
Participation in ESB CON IV
Progress Software participated in ESB CON IV: Enabling Business-Critical Integration and SOA. ESB CON IV is a great way learn from SOA infrastructure experts about how Fortune 1000 companies design, build, and deploy ESBs that reduce risk and increase ROI. During this virtual conference, Jonathan...

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