Tag: data integration

REST APIs as a SQL Data Source for SAP BOBJ, Cognos or OBIEE
How can you integrate your internal API layer into various BI tools? We answer this and show how to enable SQL access to enterprise APIs in our latest webinar.
Sumit Sarkar August 17, 2017
Improved Data Integrations and Extensibility in Corticon
In the latest Corticon release, we introduce new features to make rules management even easier. In this post we walk through the highlights.
Integrating an Existing Database into Rollbase External Tables
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to easily integrate data from your existing database tables into your Rollbase application.
Manooj Murali May 16, 2017
New CRM Connectors with Common API for SQL or REST
If you’re in the analytics/data management market, your prospects are now evaluating your solution on how effectively it can access CRM systems.
Sumit Sarkar February 27, 2017
Configure IBM DB2 JDBC Driver in Splunk DB Connect
Tutorial: How to use an IBM DB2 JDBC Driver to make the most of Splunk DB Connect while importing data into Splunk.
Nishanth Kadiyala January 05, 2017

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