Tag: data connectivity

JDBC Tutorial: Connecting to Your Database Using JDBC
In the first tutorial of the series, we will show you how you can use Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers in your Java application to connect to your database.
5 Ways “Free” Drivers Will Destroy Your Business
We all know that in today’s world, free is never actually free. You get what you pay for, and this includes data connectivity.
Suzanne Rose August 22, 2016
MongoDB ODBC Driver for Data Integration with Power BI
This guide will walk you through connecting Microsoft Power BI to a MongoDB DataSet using our certified MongoDB ODBC driver.
Industry Spotlight: Why You Need Hybrid Data Connectivity
SD Times interviewed one of our own, Mike Johnson (Senior R&D Director), to get his opinion on the current state of Big Data, IoT and Hybrid Data Integration.
Suzanne Rose July 15, 2016
The Big Data Balancing Act
What does Digital Transformation really mean? In post five of our series, learn to balance the needs of IT and marketing—a task essential to effective analytics.

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