Tag: conference

Progress Users: Join us for the 2014 APUG Challenge!

This year's Asia Pacific Progress User Group Conference is rapidly approaching and there is so much to look forward to! The 2014 APUG Challenge will take place at the Rydges World Square in Sydney, Australia, 3-5 March, 2014 and will be focused on delivering practical and highly valuable content to...

Exchange Online 2010 Thoughts

We have completed our second Exchange Online, a "virtual conference" on the Intertubes.

All the content will be available for on-demand viewing via web browser until mid December 2010. You can watch the session recordings, listen to the question and answer segments, and download all...

Three Shouts: Virtualization, Data Services, and Beer
With apologies to Tears for Fears, it's time for me to shout (not a RickRoll) about a few items that I think deserve some attention.

First and foremost, my esteemed colleague Mike Johnson has written an excellent article entitled...
Mike Frost June 06, 2008
MySQL, MyPresentation, MyThoughts
Like the picture? It's not really relevant to anything contained in the following post except that it is an excellent visual aid for describing my professional life of late. "To leave whatever you're doing, you have to change your course." Yep, that about sums it up.

Let it never be said...
Mike Frost May 14, 2008
Another Shameless Plug: Listen To Me at the 2008 MySQL Conference
Those familiar with my personality (the real-life, much more interesting one) know that I am given to spontaneous speechifying on frequent, mostly inappropriate occasions. As a result, they rarely...
Mike Frost April 01, 2008

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