Tag: complex event processing

The Travel Technology Revolution and What It Means For You
By Joshua Norrid, Industry VP, Travel and Leisure, Progress Software It was a pleasure to attend the...
How Software Can Help Airlines to Keep All Their Plates Spinning
By Joshua Norrid, Industry VP, Travel and Leisure, Progress Software I often think that managing an airline in today’s climate can be a bit like trying to keep several plates spinning at...
Dr. Ketabchi Reveals Secret Sauce of BPM
Are you a business or IT person who wants to... Reduce costs? Improve quality? Manage exceptions? Increase revenue? Most likely, it's all of the above. Dr. M.A. Ketabchi, Chief Strategist at Progress Software, presented at the Gartner BPM Summit in March on how you can...
Pam Gazley May 19, 2011
Business Process Improvement vs People

Do you think we can actually improve business processes if people are involved? I think the answer is yes… at least I hope so. Back in May 2010 I completed the introduction of a single sign-on (SSO) project that I had been working on for over a year. I admit it, it was painful. During the planning...

Pam Gazley March 25, 2011
Responsiveness in Retail Banking
A general theme for this blog is how organisations are having to become more responsive, whether to customers, competition, regulation or to squeeze further operational efficiencies out of processes. I want to talk about some of the likely areas of innovation in retail and wholesale banking...

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