Tag: Cloud

Partly Cloudy
A recent article in Forbes from contributor Joe McKendrick explores the results of a new study that finds when it comes to cloud management and budgeting for IT,...
5 Reasons PaaS is Picking Up
Often times, it may seem like PaaS adoption is being advocated without a compelling reason behind it. Sure, PaaS is a development environment, but why would devs want to use it over a traditional method of coding?  Sure, PaaS can be accessed from a variety of devices through the cloud, but what use...
Paul Nashawaty July 18, 2014
What is PaaS, anyway?
As cloud adoption has grown, so too has the alphabet soup of names we put on the different technologies that the cloud offers. What’s worse is that many of these titles are identical except for one letter—there’s SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS, along with a multitude of PaaS variations—iPaaS, aPaas, mPaaS. ...
Paul Nashawaty July 11, 2014
Cloud World Forum 2014 Wrap Up
The week before last, I made the journey from the West Coast to attend the 2014 Cloud World Forum and Enterprise Apps World event at The Olympia National, London. Progress sponsored the Hackathon at the event, gave two presentations, participated in four panel discussions, met with hundreds of...
Matt Robinson July 02, 2014
Business Software for Citizen Developers: Beyond Tools
Technology has changed our lives forever. That goes without saying, right? 90% of the US population owns a cell phone (Source: Pew Research Internet Project Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, January 2014)....
Mark Troester June 27, 2014

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