Tag: CEP

Algorithmic Terrorism

I just posted a blog on the potential of algorithmic trading terrorism -- can a "denial of service" style attack cripple world markets? See the full posting...

John Bates August 04, 2010
Smart - But Is It Smart Enough?

Today Nasdaq group purchased Smarts - a provider of market surveillance. This is an interesting development . Read the full post on our Apama blog...

Information Overload? Three Ways Real-time Information is Changing Decision Management

Upcoming webinar: 26-Aug-2010 at 11am ET
More Info and Registration: http://bit.ly/dyCu0c

JOIN US! In a recent survey by Vanson Bourne, 94% of respondents say that responding to information immediately is critical to their business, yet only 8%...

India: Big Potential for Algorithmic Trading

I spent last week in India, a country that, by any standards, is growing fast.  Its population has doubled in the last 40 years to 1.2B and economic growth has averaged more than 7% per year since 1997.  It’s projected to grow at more than 8% in 2010. By...

Defending Against the Algo Pirates

It was an honor to sit on the CFTC Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) last week. The CFTC is the US regulator for derivatives trading – which is a big area. The topic of the first meeting of the TAC was to understand Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading – and its impact on the market. The CFTC is...

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