Tag: business applications

Get in the Mobile App Game
The mobile market is huge and still growing. However, a lot of that market is saturated with consumer apps and games. That means there is a huge pool of potential users for your enterprise applications. Of course, to make a successful app, it’s important you have a strong backend. Luckily, Progress...
Tame Shadow IT with Business Apps
An analyst at the Enderle Group says that many business executives are struggling with a battle between their business units and enterprise IT. IT sees cloud as a risk, while business users see the cloud as the fastest, most inexpensive way to get their jobs done.
5 Things You Need to Know About Mobile App Dev in the Cloud
At this point, the cloud is nothing new. It’s been talked about for years. We’re finally getting to the point where cloud platforms are becoming ubiquitous, and hosting on-site application development environments is showing your age. These days, robust mobile applications can be developed, tested,...
3 Ways a PaaS Relieves Development Department Pressure
In business, offering an in-demand service is a great feeling, right up until the pressure becomes too much, straining the product's quality or workers' ability to meet deadlines. This may be how app developers today feel, facing demand for not only more software but quick turnaround times and highly...
PaaS helps companies tackle enterprise app challenges
As the world becomes more mobile and interconnected, businesses must do the same to keep up. People expect immediate, dependable access to professional resources, particularly as the cloud makes it all the more possible for employees to connect from remote locations. However, organizations need to...

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