Tag: big data

Choosing Sides in the Database Storage War
The use of data lakes has created some complicated choices for data storage, turning the decision-making process into a battleground between storage vendors.
Mike Johnson October 29, 2015
9 Steps to Integrate Your External Data Using Linked Server
Pulling in all your cloud data sources to SQL server is easy as 1-2-3 with Link Server and DataDirect Cloud connectivity.
Idaliz Baez October 28, 2015
Are You Ready to Go Fishing In a Data Lake
Data lakes take advantage of data storage techniques for massively scalable, low-cost storage of data files in any format.
Mike Johnson October 22, 2015
Secrets from "Liars and Outliers for Better Data Security"
Is DIY security worth the risk and hassle? Tony Lavinio offers a solution to programmers that saves them from poorly documented open source software and non-existent test suites.
Tony Lavinio October 20, 2015
Why You Need Standards-Based Connectivity for Big Data
Why you need to leverage standards-based connectivity for your Big Data and NoSQL data sources.
Dennis Bennett October 16, 2015

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