Tag: application development

Move Over Mobility!
Mobility is a hot buzzword. Put the word mobile in a budget proposal and odds are good it will go straight to the top of the pile. But wait—not so fast!
Mark Troester February 11, 2015
Custom Software is Back
Making apps ‘back in the day’ was about customization. Software companies helped a business spec out requirements, review existing architecture and spent time learning how best to fit work processes to increase productivity and drive profit.
IT Rollercoaster Turns into a Ski Jump
Paul Nashawaty on why IT organizations need to make the leap to cloud platform development.
Paul Nashawaty February 04, 2015
Picking a PaaS is a Strategic Choice
A cloud-based approach to development can be as successful as SaaS. When the full history of IT is written, it is probable that SaaS -- software-as-a-service -- will be seen as the bridge that brought most businesses to the cloud for the first time, and convinced them to stay. SaaS vendors...
Mark Troester February 03, 2015
Learning to Love Commoditization
Organizations need to make decisions about where they will fit on the commoditization curve.
Mark Troester January 23, 2015

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