Tag: app development

My Low Code AppDev Experience at Progress
​Aakash Chauhan shares his experience with his first task as a Progress intern—building a mobile app in one week using Kinvey, NativeScript and Salesforce.
What Serverless Means—Separating Fact from Fiction
There are a number of myths about what "serverless" really means. We dive into the top four myths of serverless and explain what it really means for enterprise apps.
Mike Salinger August 27, 2018
How to Measure ROI for Enterprise Mobile Apps
Learn how you can design the right mobile application for your business, and achieve the return on investment you need to succeed.
What is a Serverless Backend?
There’s a new approach that’s eliminating previously onerous development tasks—a serverless backend (also known as BaaS and FaaS).
Mark Troester May 24, 2018
Introduction to Custom Components for Kendo UI Builder
Kendo UI Builder ships with many components, but you may want to create your own custom ones. Read on to learn how to do this in Angular and AngularJS.

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