Tag: ado.net

ADO.NET 4.3: New Support for Visual Studio 2017, Oracle, DB2 & SQL Server
The high-performing DataDirect ADO.NET data providers eliminate the need for database client software, and now support VS 2017 and the latest database versions, plus improved security and more.
Susan Lamatrice March 15, 2018
Effective EF for Oracle - Visual Studio 2010

Since the announcement of Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0 Beta 2 we have seen torrent of requests from people looking to use our Oracle EF provider with VS 2010. The good news is...

Jonathan Bruce December 18, 2009
Released! ADO.NET Entity Framework Support for Oracle
I am happy to announce that we've released our GA for Connect for ADO.NET 3.3! This includes our support for the ADO.NET Entity Framework for Oracle and a host of enterprise-ready...
Jonathan Bruce August 13, 2009
Effective EF with Oracle

In conversations with many .NET developers and architects, I consistently hear a preference to build their initial implementations with SQL Server. In many cases, it’s perfectly logical to do this. If you want to spin your application quickly, it offers the least path of resistance to get things up...

Jonathan Bruce June 25, 2009
ADO.NET Entity Framework for Oracle – Beta Refresh
Today has unquestionably been an interesting day for .NET developers who work with Oracle data sources, so it’s timely that we announce our beta refresh for our ADO.NET Entity...
Jonathan Bruce June 15, 2009

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