Transforming Industries Worldwide: The Impact of Progress OpenEdge
October 29, 2024
Explore success stories from various industries to learn how the OpenEdge platform is impacting businesses around the globe via innovative applications.
I am excited to announce that Progress has acquired BravePoint, a leading IT consulting services based in Norcross, Georgia USA. This is part of our continuing strategy to support OpenEdge customers and partners with products, expertise and resources to build...
We’re only a few weeks away from Progress Exchange – 18 days to be exact, but who’s counting? If you’re an avid Business Making Progress reader then I don’t need to give you any...
Contrary to what you may think, business process management (BPM) is not dead, and it won’t be on its death bed any time soon according to this report. I sometimes hear, “BPM is dead,” because a lot of technology suites are moving...
We were so pleased to have hundreds of our OpenEdge customers and partners join us for last week’s webinar with myself and Brian Bowman, Product Manager, OpenEdge, on the new OpenEdge 11.4! But, we want to make sure ALL of you have...