Peter Filipov

Peter Filipov

Peter Filipov (Pepi) is a Product Builder focused on building the future of Sitefinity, relying on the newest technologies such as .NET 6 (and up), React and Angular. His previous experience as a Developer Advocate and Manager of Engineering helps him to understand the customers’ and market needs of Sitefinity. He also is passionate about being active and healthy.

Articles by the Author

Power Sitefinity Multilingual Support with Machine Translation
With Sitefinity you can simplify or automate a multilingual content creation process with cognitive AI services.
Leverage Cognitive AI Services with Sitefinity
Cognitive capabilities enable a wealth of options for Web Content Manager (WCM) users, and can be applied in many directions beyond analyzing large amounts of data. With the help of democratized AI services we can now boost the work of authors and marketers so they can more easily publish best in class content.
MVC: The Preferred Way of Coding in Sitefinity
The Progress Sitefinity teams recommends to all Sitefinity developers to use MVC whenever possible, especially for new projects. The MVC approach is superior in terms of performance and productivity for developers compared to WebForms.
How to Extend the New Sitefinity Admin App
Learn how to extend the new Sitefinity Admin App that comes with version 11.0.
Sitefinity VSIX: the Next Step for Sitefinity Thunder
A new Visual Studio extension for Sitefinity has been published on the marketplace. It is open source and focused on the MVC development.
Headless CMS, Decoupled CMS and Content as a Service - it’s all about calling APIs
In recent days I’ve spent some time reading more about “headless” and how this will conquer the world and if I don’t use it my business will fail :D. With this post I want to share what the real risks and solutions are. I will iterate through the different concepts that are currently receiving a lot of hype. Many of those terms are blended and some people are using them interchangeably, which is why I will explain each of them separately.
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