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Karen Tegan Padir

Karen Tegan Padir is the president of the Application Development and Deployment Business Unit at Progress, reporting to President and Chief Executive Officer Phil Pead. Padir, a 20-year software industry veteran, is responsible for the strategy and growth of Progress application development assets including Telerik, Modulus, Rollbase and the Pacific Platform.

Articles by the Author

IT Should do More Than Just “Get Over It”
The latest batch of data breaches at Target and Neiman-Marcus have raised a crescendo of concern in the media and among individuals that is certainly justified but sometimes a little off base. In particular, there’s confusion over the distinction between online privacy and online security. Some of...
Seeing the Future
As Mark Twain once noted, you should ‘plan for the future because that's where you are going to spend the rest of your life.’  At Progress we have always looked ahead, and lately what we have been seeing and preparing for is platform-as-a-service. We aren’t alone. In fact, Gartner recently...
The Thing(s) are Coming!
Back in 1951 when the sci-fi classic, The Thing, hit the big screen, its hokey but terrifying narrative about a hostile alien put audiences on the edges of their seats and probably made for more than a few sleepless nights.  Now, a new “thing” or “things,” to be precise, is garnering attention...
Repeat after me: social is good
Humans are inherently social. When we witness something tragic, dramatic, or something amusing – whether it’s a traffic accident, an amazing touchdown in a football game, or an entertainer’s joke, we tend to look around to see how others react. More to the point, we gather strength and knowledge from...
Data is Money
In Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One, America’s scientist-sage, Benjamin Franklin, created the aphorism, time is money, which has now become a baseline element in almost all business thought. However, a corollary for today would be, “data is money.” That’s particularly true in...
Cloud services and the world of small applications
How many of you have downloaded anything to a corporate system that wasn’t approved or distributed by your IT department? Probably most of you.  It wasn’t malice that drove you. You probably spotted a tool that could make you more productive and, quite rationally, decided having it was a good...
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