Gregg Willhoit

View all posts from Gregg Willhoit on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

Setting the Record Straight: DataDirect Shadow is NOT Affiliated with NEON Enterprise Software

The recent entry of new vendors into the zIIP exploitation market has caused some confusion among our prospects and partners regarding the difference between Progress DataDirect and its...

Gregg Willhoit July 15, 2009
IBM Impact 2009: Reflections from Gregg Willhoit
In this podcast Gregg Willhoit provides a recap of his presentation at IBM Impact, and the feedback he received about the direction DataDirect Technologies is going with Shadow. This podcasts last for 2:00. Click here for listen to the podcast:...
Gregg Willhoit July 15, 2009
Gregg Willhoit DataConnections Introduction
A welcoming to DataConnections from Gregg Willhoit, Chief Architect at DataDirect Technologies. This podcasts runs for 3:27. You can listen to the podcast here:...
Gregg Willhoit June 25, 2009
zIIP Benchmark: A Challenge to the Mainframe Middleware Integration Market
Gregg Willhoit asks for an independently moderated consortium to set the record straight on zIIP offload percentage capabilities by middleware vendors. The podcast lasts for 3:07 To listen to the podcast, click the following link:...
Gregg Willhoit June 17, 2009
DataDirect Shadow’s Chief Architect Explains the Patent-Pending Approach to zIIP Exploitation
In this podcast, Gregg explains the difference between what DataDirect Technologies is doing, and what others are doing regarding zIIP exploitation. The podcast runs for 4:36. To listen to the podcast, please click on the following link:...
Gregg Willhoit June 10, 2009
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