Greg Mooney

Greg is a technologist and data geek with over 10 years in tech. He has worked in a variety of industries as an IT manager and software tester. Greg is an avid writer on everything IT related, from cyber security to troubleshooting.

Articles by the Author

5 Best File Sharing Platforms for Businesses
The importance of online collaboration took a quantum leap as the COVID-19 pandemic forced just about every office worker to stay at home.
What is MD5?
MD5 is still being used today as a hash function even though it has been exploited for years. In this article, we discuss what MD5 is; it's history, and how it is used today. 
What is an FTP Sprawl?
To this day, FTP (file transfer protocol) and the more secure SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) are still the most used standard to move files over the Web. It’s cost effective, quick and easy to deploy, and if used correctly in a regulated industry it keeps users...
Avoiding Data Loss During A Data Migration
Large scale data migrations are a grueling process. This is why multiple failovers and automation in a managed file transfer tool will be your best option in avoiding data loss or corruption.
Podcast: VPNs, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy During COVID-19
Ted Kim, CEO of Private Internet Access, joins the podcast to chat about VPNs, privacy online, and how the cybersecurity threat landscape has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
6 Data Security Tips for State and Local Government Agencies
The sense of urgency around cybersecurity is reaching a whole new level for state and local governments.
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