David Millman

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Articles by the Author

Optimizing the SOA Assembly Line

We have all been there, performing the same task over and over again - this is no different when implementing a SOA.  There are many patterns, see www.integrationpatterns.com, that can be implemented plus many techniques to...

David Millman March 25, 2008
Polymorphic SOA

There's lots of industry noise about Service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the expected benefits, but in many cases SOA is an implementation of procedural programming that may be implemented in Object Oriented (OO) technologies such as Java or .NET. That said, I cannot really see anything OO in a...

David Millman March 17, 2008
Distributed vs Federated

In a previous post, Distributed SOA, I have got a couple of comments about how technologies, such as SAML etc., fit in.  I would like to say that the title was Distributed Not Federated SOA, but...

David Millman February 21, 2008
SOA - We Got the Name Wrong

For years those of us with a technical mind have found great technologies and looked to solve issues (normally technical with them).  But the merging of the Business and Technical mind are coming together more and more.  We see this especially with the use of SOA infrastructure where...

David Millman February 18, 2008
Distributed SOA

Last week I attended the Forrester Enterprise Architect forum and heard a pretty consistent cry from people walking around and stopping at the booth; "How do I implement SOA in a distributed...

David Millman February 13, 2008
Buying and Driving your SOA

When I get around to buying a new car, I know what is important to me. Being 6 feet 4 inches tall the first criteria is whether or not I can sit comfortably and see myself driving many miles, and then small things become important, like whether I can see the lights at an intersection. The comfort...

David Millman November 19, 2007
Prefooter Dots
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