dan foody

View all posts from dan foody on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

How to lose customers in 6 easy steps
Last night, I took a flight from Miami to Boston and we had to make an unscheduled stop in JFK.  I travel enough to know that mechanical failures happen, and that's just a part of life in the air.  But, the story I want to share is not about the fact the plane had a failure - it's about how the...
dan foody January 06, 2011
The great cloud crash of 2009

I've been following the recent story of how Microsoft's Danger division and the T-Mobile Sidekick.  If you don't know much about Danger, it's basically a cloud service tied to a hardware device (the Sidekick).  All the data is stored in the cloud (email, contacts, etc.)...

dan foody October 21, 2009
Business Transaction Management with SAP

If you follow Actional, you may have seen that Progress Software announced Actional 8.1 today.  The most...

dan foody October 13, 2009
The power of proactivity

Earlier this week (last Friday evening to be exact), I took off on a business trip to Australia.  I was scheduled to go from Boston to San Francisco, and from there to Sydney.  When I arrived at the airport, I checked in, cleared security, and meandered towards my gate.

When I got to...

dan foody June 17, 2009
How to Be Agile Without Falling on Your Face

Eric Knorr of InfoWorld recently wrote an article about how testing was the key to how to be agile without falling on your face.

While I agree that IT organizations are squeezed...

dan foody June 08, 2009
Oracle buys Sun: Let the revolution begin

First, Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake."  Will Oracle buying Sun have a similar outcome?

If Oracle goes down one path, it could be a brilliant strategy.  Oracle was previously competing with two other enterprise software vendors: IBM and SAP.  Now, they only...

dan foody April 20, 2009
Prefooter Dots
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