
Colleen Smith

Colleen Smith is Vice President, Customer Advocacy at Progress. In this role, she is responsible for ensuring customer focus and accountability for improving the company’s relationship with its customers and partners, as it relates to the use of Progress core products. Smith joined the company in 2005 with 20 years of enterprise software marketing, sales and product strategy experience, and has helped transform software companies into industry leaders, built strategic partnerships, designed acquisition strategies and moved companies through aggressive growth stages. 

Articles by the Author

Choosing the right “CLOUD” approach for you...
It takes a lot to get to the cloud, as I pointed out in my previous blog post.  Educating yourself, as well as determining how the cloud will affect you, will help lead you to the next step – which is determining which cloud approach is right for you. Cloud computing comes in three forms: public,...
Colleen Smith February 15, 2011
Kicking off 2011 in Sunny Florida...
We just got back from our ninth annual Global Partner Conference in Boca Raton – what a great way to kick off the New Year!  Especially in the warm 80 degrees weather as opposed to the stormy/wintery/snowy weather that has been happening every week here in...
So, you think you’re ready to deploy in the cloud?
Did you know that there are many layers of cloud computing? Most people would admit that there is a lot more to the CLOUD than they really understand - and that it takes a lot more to get to the cloud than you might think. The various aspects of cloud computing require different levels of expertise;...
Colleen Smith January 03, 2011
Top 5 Signs Your Business Applications Are In Need of a Facelift

How can you tell if your application needs a facelift?   Here are some telltale signs:

 1.  You turn on your computers and the screen shows a 1980’s “Green Screen” interface from MS DOS.

Today’s workforce is full of...

What is Application Modernization all about and why should you care?

For successful businesses, the saying “don’t fix what ain’t broke,” has long been the standby guideline. That said, while your applications may technically be running properly, they very well might be quite broken.  It just depends on your definition of broken.

Today’s developers and...

Exchange Online Day 3 Recap

Today marked the third and final day of the live portion of the Progress Exchange 2010 Online Conference.  I was quite pleased with the content as well the attendance, and want to thank all of the attendees that joined us from around the...

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