Chris Doran

After spending 10+ years in the digital marketing industry in various different roles, Chris re-joined Progress because he saw how Progress Easyl could solve problems he experienced throughout his career. With a passion for technology and marketing, Chris leverages experience of 8 years at Microsoft, various start-up and mid-sized companies to focus on bringing fantastic products to market. In his spare time, Chris cheers for his hometown Saints and spends time chasing ​around his young son.

Articles by the Author

Gartner Names Progress a Challenger in Web Content Management
We are proud that Gartner has recognized Progress Sitefinity as a Challenger in their Web Content Management (WCM) Magic Quadrant.
SitefinitySummit 2017—This Time, It’s Personal
Progress Sitefinity hosted a summit in Boston in early May 2017. During the event, a large number of topics including, Personalization, SItefinity's roadmap and multi-channel marketing were discussed.
Tomorrow's Data Preparation Today
Chris Doran invites you to learn more about the new version of Progress Easyl. Imagine a world where business intelligence doesn’t require you to spend all day poring over spreadsheets; where you can automatically combine SaaS data with on-premise data without asking IT to poke holes in your...
Chris Doran May 13, 2015
Marketers Still Unable to Harness Big Data
Marketers still feel like they are unable to harness Big Data, but self-service data preparation might make that change.
Chris Doran April 10, 2015
3 Lessons from Modern Marketing Experience 2015
Chris Doran shares his experience at Oracle's Modern Marketing Experience 2015. Last week, I had the pleasure of flying out to Las Vegas to participate in the Oracle Modern Marketing Experience conference with several hundred other...
Chris Doran April 07, 2015
Showcasing Expanded DataDirect Connectivity at MongoDB World 2014
Things are off to a great start at MongoDB World, and the show couldn't have come at a better time, as we've just announced the expansion...
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