Alexander Shumarski

Alexander Shumarski

Alexander Shumarski is a Sitefinity Product Marketing Manager at Progress. He has spent the past 10+ years managing large-scale website initiatives and has deep-dived into online media and e-commerce industries. An adventurer at heart and a power CMS user, he has embarked on a journey to empower marketers to tell compelling stories without reliance on IT.

Articles by the Author

3 Ways to Boost Digital Marketing Maturity
One of Marketing's key priorities is proving ROI. It is undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges, too. This blog post discusses some ideas to help overcome many of the marketing challenges you may face.
Six Critical Elements to Improve Internal Site Search Experiences
This blog post discusses several critical components of internal site search and how organizations can increase engagement and conversions by improving the search experience for first-time visitors and customers.
Still Counting Visits? Why Not Increase Engagement and Optimize Conversions?
Are you still obsessed with things like “time spent on site”, “bounce rate”, sessions and visits? While there is nothing wrong with keeping an eye on those web metrics, digging deeper in your customer’s journey and how your visitors interact with your brand might reveal hidden gems and open the door to more opportunities than you have anticipated.
.NET Core Renderer Add-on in Sitefinity Cloud: More Than Just Cool Tech
Even subtle changes in the browsing habits of your audience can trigger a chain of events that will surely have an impact on your organization. Sitefinity Cloud and .NET Core will make sure you stay on top of anything “life” throws at you.
Digital Asset Management—Reduce Clutter, Focus on What Matters
In this blog post we will discuss the benefits of Digital Asset Management and how to get started with two powerful out-of-the box DAM partner integration options that are available with Sitefinity 14.1.
Sitefinity 14.1—Create, Connect and Scale! Go!
With the release of Sitefinity 14, we wanted to provide our customers with a platform that would readily accommodate anticipated changes in the marketplace while maintaining the ease of use and flexibility that have thrilled our customers for years.
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